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Part-of-speech Tag
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ADAdverb MMeasure word
ASAspect particle MSPOther particle
BAba3, '把' in ba-construction NNOther noun
CCCoordinating conjunction NRProper noun
CDCardinal number NTTemporal noun
CSSubordinating conjunction ODOrdinal number
DEC de5, '的' as a complementizer for a nominalizer PPreposition
DEG de5, '的' as a genitive and an associative marker PNPronoun
DTDeterminer SBbei4, '被' in short bei-construction
IJInterjection SPSentence-final particle
JJOther noun modifier VAPredicative adjective
LBbei4, '被' in long bei-construction VCCopula
LCLocalizer VEyou3, '有' as the main verb
VVOther verb

This website is designed to help you to browse or search in a treebank of Classical Chinese poems developed at City University of Hong Kong. Some search examples are available here [TODO link to example tab].

The part-of-speech tagset of the treebank is based on that of the Penn Chinese Treebank, with some modifications described in (Lee, 2012)

The dependency relations are based on the Stanford Dependencies for Chinese, also with some modifications described in (Lee & Kong, 2012)

The treebank was annotated by Yin Hei Kong, Tin Ho Chan, Cheuk Ho Wan, with contributions from undergraduate students at the Department of Chinese, Translation and Linguistics at City University of Hong Kong. This website is maintained by Ying Cheuk Hui.


John Lee and Yin Hei Kong, 2012.
A Dependency Treebank of Classical Chinese Poems.
In Proc. Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL).

John Lee, 2012.
A Classical Chinese Corpus with Nested Part-of-Speech Tags.
In Proc. Workshop on Language Technology for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, and Humanities (LaTeCH) at the 13th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL).

John Lee, Ying Cheuk Hui and Yin Hei Kong, 2013.
Treebanking for Data-driven Research in the Classroom.
In Proc. Workshop on Teaching NLP and CL.

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